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Natureza is natural, like breathing

OR-GA-NI-CO. A word that means to be in symbiosis with life on the planet. understand that we are part of everything around us, and move freely, in the times of nature, so that everything happens at the right time. Natureza is as natural as a breath, like letting your attention be only on inhaling and exhaling.

The new Chitè collection represents us more than ever. Our values take shape in an intimate without stereotypes, in which every woman can feel free and recognize herself in her uniqueness.



Less than 1% of cotton garments produced are organic cotton. For us, this is a choice aligned with our values, because organic cotton is also ethical, grown following crop rotation so as to preserve soil nutrients without making it dry. As with all our garments, the capsule comes from an extremely short and controlled supply chain, thinking about your needs and those of the planet.



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